Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things I just NEVER want to forget!

               How amazing it feels to travel,to submerse yourself in a second language,in an unfamiliar territory. Madrid Study Abroad 2012-2013=the most amazing, unique and unforgettable year of my life. I want to keep that spark with me forever and have those memories be the inspiration for the rest of my traveling life!❤
The hidden places you will find. 

Mis amigas del Coral Nayru

In Pamplona at the Running of the Bulls!
The beautiful people you meet along your journey and the impact that they end up having on your life, be it big or small, it mattered. 
The partying! Be the life of the party but also remember to live life and not get caught up in partying.

                                                  Il Duomo, Florence, Italy. 

                    The View from my balcony in Madrid, Spain. 
              The monuments and precious moments... Now left to a memory or a photograph but the nostalgia of looking through the pictures and reminiscing in the memories brings it all back! Never losing sight of your passions and what's important. I wouldn't be me if I didn't sing. Finding a choir abroad transformed my whole experience and reminded me of the "chispa" that is music, singing and choir! 

        Finding beauty in any thing and every thing! 

       Appreciating everyone in all of their natural,              beautiful-quirkiness. 
Taking time to yourself to both relax and enjoy, whatever it may mean to you. Sit in the grass, take a picture, take a walk, write a song. I do. And I want to remember how important it is to have quality time with myself. 

*All pictures were taken by myself during my study abroad last year in Spain. These are pictures I couldn't bring myself to erase from my phone without writing about them. There are so many wonderful people and experiences that I met and had that I still have yet to document, but soon enough, I will. :) 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Please read the letter that I wrote.

I don't think that those girls had very much self respect. 
I remember that they used to steal. My mom always taught me that stealing was wrong but her words suddenly floated away as I played the game of how many things I could sneak by store personnel. The saddest time wasn't being caught by my mom and humiliated in front of the store owners when she made me and my 9 year old best friend return the items and made my best friend go home a week early on our spring break, it was when I stole myself a dolphin necklace from the Disney store at Downtown Disney on my birthday. I would have much rather been at Disneyland but I knew that my mom did the best she could within our budget. Stealing makeup from a thrift store isn't on my high list either. I didn't see color, class or creed back then, all I saw was a playmate. I was as happy with dirt and a hose on a hot day as I would have been on vacation or in a mansion. 

It was a really hot day and we would pay to go to the community pool to cool off. Mom bought us swimming lessons there, we made friends and got comfortable with the diving board. We had made new friends recently, 3 girls, sisters and a boy-I don't think he was related to them. We all went to the community pool together. My little brother and I stood in a circle with them and talked about kid things. Thinking that they were talking about blow pens, the colorful marker like paints I'd heard of on tv, I nodded along. "What's a blow job?" I asked. I think we were 10. I didn't think that they were too different from me until they slept over at our house and one of them burned a hole in my mattress. We didn't see them many more times after that. 

Crazy. Sometimes poverty makes people crazy. Sometimes lack of education makes people go mad. Every once in awhile, you get out. We got out. " I always knew you and your brother were different," that's what my neighbor told me when I went home on holiday after leaving for college. 

I had to learn not to be ashamed, that some things are out of your control, are out of everyone's control. Some turned to God there and I could see how faith is what kept them going. Some were driven by drugs. I think I held my own, even as a kid, maybe I got away because people saw that. I got bullied. I was cursed out. Sometimes I knew it was because I was white. Sometimes I just really didn't know why. Some days I would cry and be full of anger but it slowly turned into respect, humbleness, appreciation, strength, value and even pride. I suppose things could have gone differently but then I wouldn't have learned to value people's stories. I didn't know what to say when my 14 year old neighbor got pregnant or another became a drug addict. I had known these girls since we were little and all played tag at night and took turns cooking meals for one another and danced to 90's music making up dance routines. Maybe they weren't my best friends but they were my friends. I do it for the little girl that still lives inside of me. The one I want to run to and hug, apologize to, answer questions for. I didn't know that he didn't love me, we were 14. It's not anyone's fault. It's not mine or mom's or my community's, it's life. I'm not better than them but I will fight to be the best that I can be. Sometimes it feels so hopeless being surrounded by it all, it would all be much easier if we could just pack up and leave. Some things would follow us, things that we probably would think that we'd be leaving behind, but it's true that most problems would stay. 

Some people fight dirty, I've noticed that they almost never win. My mom taught me to fight with kindness, to fight with my mind, with my actions, with my words. Sometimes I just have to express myself:sing, write, read, paint, photograph, draw, create, scream. Maybe those kids didn't know that there were so many ways to express themselves, countless non-destructive activities. I'm sure I could be a camp counselor but I'm not sure if as a kid I really cared what my camp counselors had to say. Well, there were some I liked. I went to a church camp for a few years starting from fourth grade. I thank God that my teacher asked me to stay after class one day to tell me about it. I received scholarships and went with my best friend at the time. Looking up at the stars and feeling free to cry in church were the most amazing things I was enabled to do as a kid. I'm sure a lot of kids felt the way that I did. 

I wanted Etnies and cable. My friend told everyone at the table that I was lying when I told them that I had cable too. I hated her for it. She would make fun of me a lot. She had parent issues but never had to deal with the financial struggle that we did. I wish that everyone judged you for your heart instead of the brand you repped. I don't like to think or talk about these things because I don't want to make my mother cry. I think the hardest days were when I made my mother cry. Sometimes I blame my dad. My mom yelled at me when I called him my 'sperm donor' one day, not wanting to acknowledge him with the word 'dad' or 'father.' I hate him. But I don't really. I blame him sometimes. Truthfully though, I barely spend anytime thinking about him. I think about my mom everyday. I may think about her every hour. I was jealous as a kid when my brother asked my mom to marry him, I wanted to marry her. I knew it wouldn't work out as he asked first. We used to dress him up in girly clothes and laugh until we couldn't breathe. 

We went to the park a lot, fed the ducks. I'll never forget the day my mom's friend, who drove food shipments around gave us about 20 leftover loaves of bread to feed the ducks. I can see the water, the sand, the landscape. The sun was fading into the dusk as we ripped open bag after bag and spread each piece of bread all over the sand. We stood back and watched the ducks go wild. It was exhilarating.

 There's so much more that I could say. Every deceit, tear, betrayal, every heart break, lesson, "whatever," the time we went to live in a home, the time our fish died and we buried them in our front yard and had to dig them back up again because they smelt, the day I put a flag pole in my mouth and went to open the car door and accidentally pushed the pole into the inside of my throat-leaving me coughing blood and throbbing with pain, we were on our way to a memorial service for 9/11, that's why we had flags. 

 I cried. The day we pulled up in front of the middle school that I was supposed to go to because it was in my district. I pleaded my mom, "please don't make me go here mommy, please!" The day that she registered us at our nearby middle school, 15 minutes north of our town, close, by proximity, but just far enough to be different, things changed forever, she was my hero. I never could tell you why my mom was my hero when I was young but I just knew that she was the first one that came to my mind. Now I see what she did for us. Strength. My mom is the strongest. She's like a superhero. She just needs a cape and a bat mobile. I think she must have been clairvoyant, seeing what our lives would have been had we let ourselves become victims of circumstance, swept up with the tide. I don't resent or regret any person or moment. I just want to learn from what I've experienced, what I've observed, what I am now educated enough to analyze and I want to make a change. An outsider can pity the poor and throw money at them but an insider knows the why and will ask the question of "how." How can I change this pattern? How can I save these kids from going down the wrong path and what can I do about it? Helping people doesn't happen from standing on a pedestal, real change occurs standing next to your fellow neighbors and offering a hand. I'm not going to run away from you because you're different, I'm going to offer my ear so that you have a friend to confide in, offer a hand so that you can build something or create a piece of work. Honestly it is the people that you meet in life that get you through, that you remember along the way, that inspire you, that save you, that acknowledge you, whose presence makes a difference, who encourage me, who I want to thank, who I want to be. I want to be a person that you remember. I want to inspire, encourage and listen like many did for me. I remember all the negative commentary but it's the positive messages that kept me going. Teachers, neighbors, counselors, friends, friend's parents, random encounters, thank you. I can love the world, I can save a life, I can motivate, I can listen, I can give, I can build, I believe, I don't always know why but I try. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Beautiful Disaster"

     I may not be ready for a happy ever after but I don't want to lose the happy of right now for the fear of settling down. However, it is impossible to be 100% of anything, if it feels like 100%, it is the illusion of certainty, only assured by what we define as instinct, a gut feeling, a warm sensation in the heart, a cloudy, rose colored view. Love. A connection that drives people mad. A sensation that can make you feel as though you are floating on clouds. It is not love that breaks your heart, it is people that break your heart. We can not take it out on love. In addition, true love is eternal, not the relationship necessarily but the feeling of caring, the compassion, the desire for that person to be truly happy at whatever cost. But "if i could hold on, through the tears and the laughter, would it be beautiful, or just a beautiful disaster?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DfblfF2_R0

No matter where life leads us, I'm so grateful to be able to say that we shared this adventure of life together. ♥ xo

"You wanna do something crazy?" I said.
"Sure!" he smirked as I walked into my bedroom. 
"I'm from L.A so I've never really seen the stars," I said as I walked out with blankets, gloves and beanies.
"It's kind of far," he said, not knowing how I'd respond.
"That's okay, we have time," I smiled.
"Alright let's go! But this time, I'm driving."

What a beautiful beginning to one hell of an adventure.                                                                             


El Amor-Tito El Bambino 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sabotage or Self-Discovery?

Do you ever feel like you repeat things to yourself like a mantra, repeatedly, hoping that you will believe yourself even if in your heart you feel like you're looking for justification or searching for an answer, any answer and thinking that if you just choose an answer, a reason, it will at least put you at ease even if it is not ultimately correct? 

It is hard for me to accept that sometimes feelings are not followed by reason. Your head and your heart, while connected by the body are separate entities, however related, they seem to function completely individually. Maybe the goal in life is to be able to find the connecting balance between the two, between your head: thoughts, logic, logos and reason and your heart, pathos, feelings, emotions and maybe in between the two are where ethos lies, your ethics. What is ethically correct? 

Sometimes I tell myself that everything and anything is alright. Sometimes I create limits and boundaries for myself. Sometimes the limits and boundaries are subconsciously placed, based on my experience, my deepest true feelings, my moral compass if you will and without even giving it any thought I stop myself from thinking or doing something. However it is almost the day to day life that is more challenging. How do we spend our days? The question of limits, boundaries, truth, experimentation, freedom. Where do we draw the line? Where do we also remain true to ourselves? When do we allow ourselves to fully live? If we place boundaries, are we truly living life to the fullest? How will we know what we truly like or who we are or even what we are capable of, if we don't allow ourselves to be uninhibited? I'm not sure how far we should push ourselves. Can we fall off the edge? Is there a point of no return? Does it mean sometimes not being true to yourself because maybe yourself is not who you truly are or could be, but you just don't know it yet? Of course, we will do things that will affirm our morals, ethics, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Affirmation is wonderful and serves in forming your base character. However aren't new experiences just as important? When do we cross the line between apathy and selfishness, acting and thinking for ourselves and care and unselfishness? Is it ok to be selfish sometimes? Can we truly find ourselves with the influence of others? A great part of me knows and feels that we do find ourselves through our relationships with others, anyone and everyone. But there is a difference between a romantic, sexual, friendship, random encounter and paternal relationship. Each has its roll in our shaping. And it may be that at some points in life, you do not stop caring about those with whom you have established relationships but you allow yourself to act and be as an individual. Being true to yourself, by yourself, without basing your actions on the approval of others. We are a world of people and every person affects us, in multiple and various ways. 

How do I find myself and keep a balance between my relationship with myself and others? Does it mean being removed? Does it mean spending your time equally amongst them? How do I stop myself from being overly attached to someone, especially friends, whose companionship I love and appreciate but just as well acknowledge can be influential on me, in the way that I speak, act and think and admittedly I am not the same around every person and friend. There of course is a norm and a respect that is taken into account when I approach every person but I mean apart from that. 

I think ultimately we have to ask ourselves how much of our lives we are living for ourselves. Are we allowing others to consciously or subconsciously guide us, distract us, change us? If so, how do we separate ourselves without removing ourselves?  

  • 3 Doors Down- Changes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srlUuVVhCek

  • Ottis Redding-Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1aeKt0gk0w

  • The Civil Wars-Falling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qdk3iPFYxg

  • Kelly Clarkson-Cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWkiRyjxfRg

  • Crossfade-Cold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrr3lRLjZ1Y

Monday, April 8, 2013

These are my confessions...

This may not be a thoughtful whisper. This may not be un pensamiento profundo. This may just be a ramble. 

I am afraid that if my friends knew how lame that I really am when I am by myself that they would rather not be my friends. Admittedly, I have no idea where I am going in life and it scares me. I would rather listen to somber music and soak in the misery than move on. I am drinking the most bitter wine just to feel the buzz. I am bored. I am desperate. I am lost. I talk too much. The bitter taste somehow serves as a metaphor for the bitterness of life. Maybe it doesn't have to be this hard. However, I am not one to take the easy way out. It is astonishing to realize that with billions of other human beings on this planet you can really only depend on yourself. You are the only person that is there for yourself, 100% of the time. It actually feels good to be buzzed. My head feels fuzzy. Much better than clear. A clear mind, when there is so much to think about, is quite overwhelming. I would like to be given a storage unit here. Just me and this room. And I would use it to scream. I would use it to spin around in circles. I would use it to sing without shame. How can life be so cruel? There are so many choices to make. Too many. Do you all know how amazing Lindsey Stirling's music is? She inspires me. http://www.youtube.com/user/lindseystomp

Things that bother me: 
Stop telling me that I look like I have lost weight. 
Stop resenting me for being thin although I eat a lot. 
My roommates. 
My EtnologĂ­a class. It is not my fault that you put me to sleep... Almost every single time. 
Being broke. 
Feeling vulnerable. 
Don't text me if you don't intend to carry on the conversation... it kills me. 

However, you have to learn to let go, which I am working on every day. These are mostly pet peeves not true concerns. 
I'm not actually crazy, although I'll tell you that I am. 
I sometimes lose my self respect but deep down know that I am valuable and worthy. 
It's easier to joke around than be serious... so I do. 
I am so self-conscious deep down. But surface me doesn't show it. 
I often think about whether these honest blogs will come back to bite me in the ass some day. 
I admittedly want to be more honest here but am afraid to be. 
I am often lonely. 
I fill my voids with music. 
However, I always try to wear just one headphone so I can hear the sounds around me. 
I am guilty for not feeling as guilty as I feel I should for my past mistakes. 
I am so horny. All the time. Men, don't you think for a second that girls don't think about sex, romance or passion as much as you if not more. 
I have realized that we are all animals. 
Although you may look in the mirror and see what you perceive to be a human face. You're probably a lion like me. Or a dog. Or a cat. Or maybe even a reptile. 
I often tune out of class to write down my feelings. 
I sing out loud secretly hoping that people will hear me and like it. 
I write poetry/my profound thoughts/theories in the metro. 
Although I really am responsible, studious and intellectual... I am also lazy, careless and a procrastinator. 
My spelling is poor. I use dictionary.com more than the bible. 
I have no idea where I truly stand religiously. 
However I would never deny my belief in God. 
I secretly want my future husband to be religious/at least believe. 
I am so afraid of getting pregnant/getting married/my future life.

I don't even know where to start when it comes to my photography. I don't know how it works. I know how to make the picture brighter or darker. Slower shutter speed or faster shutter speed. I can't give you advice about which camera to buy because I am not a sales marketer. I don't believe in editing my pictures to the point of fake. I know that photographers don't make a lot of money but I will never stop. Ever. 

I am a lover. I am so passionate. I am so flirty. I am so full of life, to the point of bursting sometimes. If I did not communicate with others I would not only not be myself but I would probably spontaneously combust. 
Thanks for getting to know me by reading this blog. I am sure there are many more things that I have deep down/have not yet confessed. However, this was enough for me in this moment. Enough to get off my chest. I often have a hard time confessing things to myself so it's nice to be able to make confessions to myself while confessing publicly all of my truths as well. 
I almost always write things hoping that others will read them. 

I have ALWAYS wanted to publish a book and when my friends tell me that my life could be a movie I consider documenting everything. Believe you me, this is nothing. Just wait for my book one day... I sometimes feel like I have a whole world unexplored... 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Living in the inbetween

We don't live in a world with black and white answers. We have no rule book to follow. We have no true direction to follow but the feeling in our gut, whatever makes our heart beat or the alarms that sometimes sound in our head. With no one being that is truly in charge of us but ourselves who is to tell what is wrong but ourselves? The trouble is that we often find ourselves, as I have found myself, in our own conflict of interest against our own thoughts and beliefs. So, if we are fighting the world around us and then live our daily lives internally conflicted, where do we go-who do we go to? It's always nice to have friends around, to talk things through with. Additionally, we truly learn, compare and contrast from every person that we come in contact with and every situation that we encounter. I recently traveled to the south of Spain and the northern part of Morocco where I met people that challenged me. I was challenged morally, physically, mentally, emotionally, my tolerance, my patience. Challenge=Life. You will undoubtedly suffer, but I am discovering that if you allow yourself to, if you approach life with an open heart and an open mind you can undoubtedly discover bliss as well. And here I am in what would religiously be referred to as the purgatory, the middle ground, this earth. Where I sometimes feel so vulnerable and so lost. However I'm holding on because I want to discover more moments of bliss.