Friday, April 5, 2013

Living in the inbetween

We don't live in a world with black and white answers. We have no rule book to follow. We have no true direction to follow but the feeling in our gut, whatever makes our heart beat or the alarms that sometimes sound in our head. With no one being that is truly in charge of us but ourselves who is to tell what is wrong but ourselves? The trouble is that we often find ourselves, as I have found myself, in our own conflict of interest against our own thoughts and beliefs. So, if we are fighting the world around us and then live our daily lives internally conflicted, where do we go-who do we go to? It's always nice to have friends around, to talk things through with. Additionally, we truly learn, compare and contrast from every person that we come in contact with and every situation that we encounter. I recently traveled to the south of Spain and the northern part of Morocco where I met people that challenged me. I was challenged morally, physically, mentally, emotionally, my tolerance, my patience. Challenge=Life. You will undoubtedly suffer, but I am discovering that if you allow yourself to, if you approach life with an open heart and an open mind you can undoubtedly discover bliss as well. And here I am in what would religiously be referred to as the purgatory, the middle ground, this earth. Where I sometimes feel so vulnerable and so lost. However I'm holding on because I want to discover more moments of bliss.

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