Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things I just NEVER want to forget!

               How amazing it feels to travel,to submerse yourself in a second language,in an unfamiliar territory. Madrid Study Abroad 2012-2013=the most amazing, unique and unforgettable year of my life. I want to keep that spark with me forever and have those memories be the inspiration for the rest of my traveling life!❤
The hidden places you will find. 

Mis amigas del Coral Nayru

In Pamplona at the Running of the Bulls!
The beautiful people you meet along your journey and the impact that they end up having on your life, be it big or small, it mattered. 
The partying! Be the life of the party but also remember to live life and not get caught up in partying.

                                                  Il Duomo, Florence, Italy. 

                    The View from my balcony in Madrid, Spain. 
              The monuments and precious moments... Now left to a memory or a photograph but the nostalgia of looking through the pictures and reminiscing in the memories brings it all back! Never losing sight of your passions and what's important. I wouldn't be me if I didn't sing. Finding a choir abroad transformed my whole experience and reminded me of the "chispa" that is music, singing and choir! 

        Finding beauty in any thing and every thing! 

       Appreciating everyone in all of their natural,              beautiful-quirkiness. 
Taking time to yourself to both relax and enjoy, whatever it may mean to you. Sit in the grass, take a picture, take a walk, write a song. I do. And I want to remember how important it is to have quality time with myself. 

*All pictures were taken by myself during my study abroad last year in Spain. These are pictures I couldn't bring myself to erase from my phone without writing about them. There are so many wonderful people and experiences that I met and had that I still have yet to document, but soon enough, I will. :) 

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