Sunday, January 8, 2012

I hope that everyone had a Sunday precisely to their liking; whether that means that you went to church or slept in late, cleaned and organized, worked or just went for a walk. Today I realized that family is what you make of it, who you make family out to be can change, grow and expand depending on a simple friend and soul connection or to some people remain limited to a blood line. The beautiful thing about home being where the heart is is that it is portable, the feeling, the connection. Your actual family may not always be by your side but a human's capability to connect with people, cherish friendships and love one another never ends and stays with you no matter where you are. Your heart is a canvas, a tool box, while it does pump blood and keep you alive it always holds a spot for the ones you love. How beautiful is the heart,  a metaphorical container that expands as you expand, that has unlimited gigabytes, that can hold an infinite amount of love! I think that love is the answer to many concepts, questions, problems. We were granted with a magical feeling, that that is love. We are told to love our neighbor, sister, brother, but why stop there? Next time you stare at a stranger try appreciating them as a complex human being, an equal that also has the capacity to love infinitely, and love them. Love one another and appreciate and love yourself. I love that no matter how broke I am-Love is free. <3

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