Monday, March 26, 2012

What is the point of NOT writing?

What is the point of NOT writing? So... I bought a journal. I have never consistently written in a journal. In fact I feel that the only reason that I pick up a journal and write again is for documentary purposes. Ergo the eight journals that I do have starting from the time I was nine giving a blurb of life updates and then ending abruptly. I wish I had kept a journal, I find it interesting to read from my past. However I think that the fact that I like to read my writing from the past being a motivator to write is well, not very motivating. I feel that if I start to write it has to be important, it has to be intriguing. I am not interesting every second of every day. Therefore I have come to terms with the fact that maybe my journal will not be either. I talk a lot, but that does not fill the void of the intrapersonal self, my writing. I often make lists; to do lists, worry lists, lists about everything. The other day I had a lot going on and many thoughts running through my mind, "make a list," I told myself, but just as I opened my new journal to do so, I stopped. I prohibited myself from writing, and it bothered me. Instead of writing, I took time to think about why I did and simultaneously did not want to write. 

  • The journal, it's too pretty to write bad things in. 
  • Facing the facts, if you write it down you have to look at. Throw away my writings after I write them down you may suggest, no. 
  • Writing it down makes it true, makes it more real, doesn't allow time to forget, mask or cover. 
  • I don't want to write, it's emotionally exhausting sometimes. 
My journal was inexpensive enough that I do not have to worry about replacing it for another pretty journal. Sometimes, facts are facts, whether they are floating around in your head or on paper. It may be a positive thing to write down difficult things, because from writing, you can brainstorm ideas, create positivity, express your thoughts and expand more than just a simple, cold hard fact. I do want to write. I need to stop having a quota. Once I let go and free myself from inhibitions then writing will be a source of freedom. If I had a regret, it would be not writing, enough. But there is no time for regrets, maybe I will start by writing about that. 

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